Tuesday 1 May 2018

Disney and Days Off

Things at work are stepping up, and we are super busy!  Everyone in fact is super busy. The days just seem to whiz past at lightening speed.  On Thursday, we were back at school in the evening for the year 7-9 performance of Labyrinth.  The kids were amazing, but the story is just plain weird!  There was free wine, which helped the story line a bit, and the kids really were very good.

On Friday after school we decided to make use of our season tickets and pop along to Disney for the evening.  We left straight after school, and were there by 4.15 enjoying the sunshine and soaking up the atmosphere.  Delightful!

The new Toy Story land opened on Thursday, with 3 new rides, all of which had huge queues.  We did manage to get on Woody's Roundup, which was very cute.  We also went on Journey to the Crystal Grotto, another cute kids ride.  Other than that we just wandered, enjoying being out and about.  Of course, we stopped off at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and a few mojitos, followed by a 'Tuxedo' cheesecake, which is a layer of chocolate fudge cake, a layer of chocolate cheesecake and a layer of white chocolate mouse.  Yum!

On Saturday, Matt was out all day at a leaving/stag party for one of his friends.  They did bubble football, where you play football in a huge inflatable ball, then went go-karting, and then ate a whole lamb between them at a Mongolian restaurant.  The guy whose party it was unfortunately broke his ankle while playing bubble football!  So not such a good day for him!  Matt enjoyed himself though, and didn't get home until 1.30am!

I spent an hour on Saturday taking photos of two friends at work who recently got engaged.  They were super nervous, but said that they had enjoyed themselves in the end.  I really enjoyed myself, and it was a good challenge getting them to relax enough to get some great photos.  I'll post them once I have edited them - I now have Lightroom, and editing software, which is my new favourite thing ever! Love it!

On Sunday, we just chilled out at home.  Monday was a strange day because we are off today (Tuesday) for the bank holiday.  So, lots of kids weren't in yesterday.  It was my good friend Amy's last day of work, so we have an office party, and then went to an impromptu Monday-Tequila club, and got rather drunk on margaritas.

So our day off today has just been pottering around. We went to the supermarket and did some washing, that sort of thing.  Lots of cat cuddles and generally sheltering from the pouring rain and the awful pollution.  It feels like a Sunday - i'm going to be so confused tomorrow with my timetable!

Here are a few photos of the cats being cute/crazy.  Love Snowball's sleeping positions.

1 comment:

  1. We are going to have to come back so we can visit toy story at Disney!
