Saturday 9 September 2017

Snowball and Sooty

This week has been the first one to go slowly, and it's because we have been desperate for these little bundles of loveliness to arrive. And they finally have!  Let me introduce you to Snowball and Sooty. 

Snowball came from a work friend, whose daughter found her at just 2/3 weeks old.  It only took 10 minutes into my first day at work, before I had agreed to talk to Matt about the possibility of taking her home with us.  When we went to visit her to see what she was like, there was no way we were going to say no!

Sooty has only been on his way to us for just over a week.  A friend in the Early Years department found him, and her friend has been looking after him.  The friend is asthmatic unfortunately, so couldn't be his forever home.

Snowball is a whirlwind of energy.  She loves to play with everything - even toes - and thinks her teeth are playthings at the moment!  She just runs about everywhere and investigates everything.  I can only get her to sit still for a cuddle when she is sleepy!

Sooty was less sure at first.  He has come a long way since Friday night when we brought him home. He is a bit scratchy, bitey and hissy at the moment, but is getting much better.  We had them in the same room at first, but quickly moved Sooty to the spare room as he wasn't happy at all.  He settled down a bit there, and started playing with us, and some balls I got with bells in them.  He LOVES those things!  For his second night with us, we shut him in the spare room, and I got up at 5.30 this morning because he was crying to be let out.  A night on his own clearly did the trick because when I opened the door he was rubbing against my legs, and even purring!  He is letting me pick him up now too without hissing, which is great progress.

The two of them are spending their time playing and hissing occasionally (Sooty, not Snowball)., but seem to be doing very well considering they only met on Friday night.

They are just the most wonderful little creatures.  Very different personalities, but both very funny and cute.  We are so happy that we could give them a home.

Matt is currently playing cricket with school (they won!), and both kittens are asleep.  So cute!

School-wise, it's been another busy week.  I had my first club on Wednesday.  I am running Archaeology Club, and I have 22 kids, which everyone seems to think is huge, and are shocked that I don't have a helper. They were very enthusiastic, and therefore very manageable.  One little chap got rather upset after he had come running in with his dinosaur book only to discover that it's not archaeology (I blame year 3 for calling their Paleontology module, Archaeology!!!), but he perked up when he found out that we would be making Roman shields, Greek pottery, Victorian stained glass windows, and mummifying oranges.  This week we talked about what Archaeology is, and did some charcoal cave paintings.  They seemed to really enjoy it.  Next week (since none of my materials have arrived yet) we will be doing Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


  1. They are such pretty cats. How did they get on when you had to leave them to go to work?
