Wednesday 9 August 2017

What's This?

This is a post about supermarkets.  Yes, you read correctly, supermarkets!  We finally made it into our local shop Carrefor properly on attempt number 3 after being so overwhelmed the first two times that we 1. bought nothing, 2. just bought loo roll.  So, attempt number 3 was quite enjoyable.  I decided not to get stressed about the number of animals living in tanks awaiting their fate, and instead to play a game called, 'what's this?'  So, play along, and hopefully you will get a real taste of what a Chinese supermarket is like.  (I have it on good authority that this is what a 'toned down' Chinese supermarket is like, so heaven help us if we are in an authentic Chinese supermarket!  So, study the photo and see if you can guess what it is. Answers under the photos.  Ready?

What's this? 

A: Lentils.

What's this? 

A: Dried meat (unknown what sort of meat) that you hack into pieces yourself!

What's this? 

A: Durian fruit.  Never heard of it?  Me neither, had to Google it!

What's this? 

A:  No idea i'm afraid.  Typing Pointy Cougette into Google didn't turn up anything!

What's this? 

A: Purple aubergine

What's this? 

A:  Green peppers

What's this? 

A: Another one I've no idea.  Didn't even know where to start with Google on this one!

What's this? 

A: Sweet potato

What's this? 

A: Absolutely no idea!

What's this? 

A: I actually don't think I want to know what this is!

What's this? 

A: Rice

What's this?

A: Dried shrimp

What's this? 

A: No idea!  Looks like tree bark to me

What's this? 

A: Tea

What's this? 

A: Dragon Fruit

What's this? 

A: A pear grown into a buddha shaped mould.  Maybe the coolest thing I have ever seen in a supermarket.

What's this? 

A: Yes, your right, it's a karaoke bar right in the middle of a supermarket.

Now just imagine women with megaphones shouting at you about yoghurt, and aisles where you can buy anything from  jelly to mopeds, and you might start to understand the twice weekly experience of buying groceries that we are currently experiencing.  Thank goodness for online shopping!!!

1 comment:

  1. That pear is amazing! Not sure about some of the food but I'm game to try it if you are!
