Saturday 7 February 2015

Snow, Rugby and Pizza

This is how the week started off!  This was my walk to the tram stop to go to work on Monday morning!  The snow was really heavy, falling in huge snowflakes.  It was very cool, but by the end of the day it had disappeared.  It tried to snow on and off throughout the week, but nothing settled.  You wouldn't think it, but now we have blazing sunshine, and it's not even that cold today.  On Thursday it was -4!!!  Very cold, especially when I have a 45 minute outside duty from 8am on Thursdays!

The week at work has been busy, but mostly back to normal as people are gradually coming back from being ill last week.  We are all having our appraisals at the moment, so I am covering PHSE lessons which our boss normally does, so that he can meet with teachers.  I like teaching PHSE as the kids are really interested in learning about new things, and lessons are normally full of tricky questions and debate.  This week however, my boss decided to do something book-week related (it's a Roald Dahl themed book week this year), so the kids were all making up their own stories and making mini fold up books.  It was a lovely lesson, but I had to teach it 7 times in 2 days.  Not such a lovely lesson when you've done it that many times.  On Thursday I did it 5 times!!!  More appraisals next week, but after half term I should be back on my normal timetable. 

Friday was dress up day for book week, and everyone had to dress up as something to do with Roald Dahl.  My costume is below.  The kids loved it, but kept trying to grab me, insisting that I was the key to their entry into the Chocolate Factory!  It was a fun day.

On Friday night, the 6 Nations rugby kicked off with Wales Vs England.  We invited some people over, and ended up having 16 people squeezed into our living room!  I was most impressed by the fact that we had chairs for 13 of them!  The match didn't start until 9pm, German time, so we ended up having quite a late night.  The last stragglers left at about 2.30am!  It was a really fun night, and it was lovely that so many of our friends came over.

 Today, we are having a lazy day, clearing up after last night, doing the food shopping at the local market (below) and watching more rugby.  Tomorrow will probably be more of the same.  We have one more week of school before half term, when we are off to a quiet cottage in the middle of the Rhine valley, surrounded by interesting castles and villages.  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I love your golden ticket costume! Looks like the first rugby game was a success and of course england beat Wales, so a real bonus. I bet your local pizza shop was delighted you had friends over!
