Sunday 21 December 2014

Flying Home for Christmas

Matt and I are now back in the UK after a very busy Autumn term in Germany.  We have a very full 3 weeks in the UK, and time is already flying by!  We landed on Tuesday at Stansted, and shock of all shocks, walked straight through passport control without having to wait for a million years!  We spent some time with Matt's family, and fitted in a Frank Turner concert too, then I headed down to the coast to Mum and Dad's for a couple of days.  We have had a lovely few days walking along the beach, and playing with the puppy.  I really do miss the sea in Germany.

On Thursday, we went to visit a row of houses near by who put on fabulous Christmas lights.  They have a charity box for visitors, and there certainly were a lot of people there having a look.  Their electricity bill must be huge!

The puppy is getting quite big now, and she is super fluffy.  Her front legs are so furry, I think she looks a bit like a sloth!  Troublesome as ever of course.

One thing that Germany really doesn't do as well as the UK is fish 'n' chips, so we had to have them!  They were certainly worth the wait.

Our near by garden centre has Reindeer, so we went to visit them and to see all the Christmas decorations (A bit of a family tradition before Christmas).  This one is Dancer, and the one below is Button.

We had a lovely walk today along the beach at Highcliffe.  It was lovely to be by the sea again.

Happy Christmas everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. So lovely having you home for a few days. Great to do all the family traditions!
