Sunday 9 May 2021

Week 15

It's been a fairly quiet week for Amber and I.  Matt's been busy with football matches, football training and work.  He played a match today and they won, so now may win their whole league.  Fingers crossed!

I've been working on a marketing plan for my wedding photography and looking after the gorgeous Amber, as usual.  She's eating so much now and can nearly hold her head up completely on her own.  She's doing very well indeed.


Sunday 2 May 2021

Week 13 and Week 14

I realised that I didn't post any photos last week! Life is so busy with Amber that I forget which day of the week I'm on.

We're having a lovely weekend with Matt's parents. We had a lovely dinner on the cliff top last night and are now watching the formula 1 after a big cooked breakfast. Yum. 

Amber is starting to get teeth. All the signs are there - dribbling, rosy cheeks, grumpy. No sighting of the tooth yet, but I'm sure it won't be long. We went to a baby class this week, which was fun. All the babies were much older though and crawling, so I think we will wait a few months before giving it another go. I think Amber will enjoy it more when she's a bit older, although she did very much like the bubble machine!

Matt, Amber and I saw our friends for lunch last weekend, which was great. It's so nice to sit outside with good food and great company in the sunshine. 

Matt played football this morning and his team won 9-0! So, he's a happy bunny.