Tuesday 30 March 2021

9 Weeks Old

A few photos from last week of Amber turning 2 months old! She is now wearing her 3-6 month clothes.  I can't believe she has already outgrown my favourite 0-3 month onesies.  My baby is growing up!!!  Our happy little girl kept us smiling for Matt's last week at school before the Easter holidays.  Photos from this week will be up on Sunday!


Sunday 21 March 2021

2 Months Today!

Here's our lovely Amber at 7 weeks old.  Not sure why this photo didn't make it onto last weeks blog!

And here she is at 2 months...

This was on Thursday at 8 weeks old, being her lovely smiley self.  That was, until I took her for her 8 week vaccinations.  Then she spent the entire afternoon and evening feeling rotten and screaming.  I dosed her up on Calpol, which helped, but you could tell she wasn't feeling great.  Poor love.

This was from Mother's Day last weekend.  3 generations!

And last night, Amber slept through the night for the first time! Amazing! She slept from 11pm - 6am.


Monday 15 March 2021

7 Weeks Old


I can't believe we're at week 7 already.  Nearly 2 months old! How crazy is that!!!

Week 7 saw lots of smiles, as well as Mum's birthday - we went for a walk along Highcliffe beach, for a coffee on the cliff top, then had smoked salmon bagels for lunch at home and this wonderful cake, made by Dad.

Amber and I also had our first week home alone during the day, as Matt returned to work.  It was a bit strange at first, but we got used to it and by the end of the week were very tired, but also knew what we were doing - I was able to shower before midday most days, so that to me was quite a big achievement!